Creating a lifestyle of sustainable health involves putting into practice some tried and true habits. We will be working through a few of those healthy habits over the next few weeks here on the blog and, by the end of the series, will be providing a "Healthy Habits Tracker" that we've designed so that you'll have a tangible resource to put all we've discussed to work. Today's Wellness Wednesday dives into the in's and out's of creating and sustaining those habits surrounding food intake and has to do with the fuel we take into our body.
Many of us as we were growing up encountered the "Food Pyramid." Nutritionists have since moved away from this form of nutrition guidelines and have adapted a new guideline to aid Americans in making healthy eating choice. The Food and Nutrition Service, a branch of the USDA, has developed a helpful tool called MyPlate. A diagram from the government's nutrition website is below demonstrating this tool.
